
answer to my questions

Can criminals avoid being executed if they pay enough money?

I searched this matter and found conclusion of Japan’s execution system. I believe this conclusion goes with every country that does execution.

However the answer is NO. I think I was so stupid to think about this matter because I could find very few information about this. I guess this is because it is so obvious that nobody bother to ask. If the criminal is “life imprisonment” criminal, there are chances for them to go outside with surveillance. However for execution, there is no exceptions.

"【法律】【死刑】恩赦・特赦で死刑囚が死刑を免れることはありますか?." Yahoo!知恵袋. 7 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 July 2015. <http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13113077858>.

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