Q8How much does it cost to execute one person to death?
According to a study in seattle, the punishment of death penalty costed $1 million more than in similar cases without it. Executing costed $3.07 million and punishment that isn't sentenced to death is $2.01 million.
"Costs of the Death Penalty",Death Penalty Infomation Center,web.2015. 23 July 2015.
I was really surprised to know that how expensive death penalty costs. I thought that life imprisonment cost more because of the money for food and other things you need to live their life in prison.
Q9How long does it take to execute one person to death?
In 2012, a death row inmate waited 178 months that is 15 years between sentencing and execution.
There are some case where it took 40 years and the one who is waiting would be in fear of when the day would come.
In some counties the date to be exectued is not told, however i think that is too cruel because they have the right to at least know when they are going to die.
"Times on death row",Death penalty informaton Center, web.2015.23 July 2015.
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