
Answer to my second question

Is the death penalty cheaper than keeping the criminal alive?



I only searched about japan because japan is well known for good treatments in prison.

All the expense needed in prison is paid with taxes and a criminal need about 1310 yen per day on average, including clothes and medical expenses. However, it does not include payment for the guards nor other expenses needed to put them in prison and to keep them in prison. In addition, they actually get paid per hour, about 4215 yen on average a month per a criminal. This is all supplied by taxes.

It is true in prisons, criminals have to work and it’s a very hard work that they are told to do in the prison, they still get good treatment.

On the other hand, condemned criminals do not have to work at all and get a single room. They get the same treatment as the other criminals and wait for the day of execution to come. The Japanese government does not publish how much it needs to perform execution. Though there are some researches about it based on what the government stated and looking at what American government is publishing about death penalty.

However, it seems that execution cost is very high. It’s higher than keeping one criminal that is to be imprisoned for life.


Katou, Hideyuki, and Anami Yanase. "「日本国内の確定死刑囚は8月現在107人」 極刑執行刑場の公開で死刑廃止につながるか - ライブドアニュース." ライブドアニュース. 5 Sept. 2010. Web. 6 July 2015. <http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/4990059/>.


神崎, 和也. "Prison Is Heaven!? - 東京・大阪の事業再生コンサルティング - 株式会社喜望大地." Prison Is Heaven!? - 東京・大阪の事業再生コンサルティング - 株式会社喜望大地. 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 6 July 2015. <http://gmmi.jp/column/2012/03/prison-is-heaven.html>.


"レファレンス協同データベース." レファレンス協同データベース. 7 Feb. 2014. Web. 6 July 2015. <http://crd.ndl.go.jp/reference/modules/d3ndlcrdentry/index.php?page=ref_view&id=1000150029>.


"調査結果2:死刑の費用." 調査結果2:死刑の費用. Web. 6 July 2015. <http://www009.upp.so-net.ne.jp/wcr/shikei/nj_2_C.html>.

"知られざる死刑囚の実態." Atom. 2 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 July 2015. <http://takashi1016.com/•capital-punishment>.


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