What is the most painful way someone is executed?
This question is almost a sequal to my other question "What forms of exection are still performed today".
As i mentioned in one of my previous posts, I wrote about how burning, boiling, stoning, and the gas chamber are still being performed throughout the world. I believe these forms of execution are the most painful because for one,
In some countries, they do not only put the person on fire from a singe match, but some countries pour scorching hot water or oil down someones throat.
2. Boiling.
Boiling is another very barbaric way of execution as they do not put the prisoners to " sleep" before they dose them in hot boiling water or oil.
Stoning is a slow and painful way of execution. For the men they bury them waist deep into the ground and for women, they bury them from the neck down. If the prisoners are able to escape while they are being stoned, it is said that they may let the prisoner live. Because they put the man waist deep into the ground and the women from neck deep into the ground, it really made me thnk how sexist! Because it would be alot easier to escape from waist deep in the ground than from neck deep.
4.Gas Chamber.
This may sound like an easy way to die, but believe it or not, it is one of the painful forms of execution. A Poisonous gas usually called hydrogen cyanide,carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Other forms of exection that are more brutal and extremely barbaric are also found on this site.
Pegg, David. "25 of Humanity's Most Brutal Methods of Execution." List25. 15 Dec. 2011. Web. 15 July 2015.
Actually, I did have the idea that death by gas would probably be a less painful way to die, so I'm surprised to hear that it isn't.
返信削除You mention that in countries (or areas) where stoning is still carried out, you think it is sexist that even though the man is buried waist deep in the ground, the women are buried up to their necks. Probably, in the convoluted "logic" of the perpetrators, they believe it is protecting the modesty of the woman--just in case some clothing is knocked off by the stones. But, as you point out, the man has a great advantage in being able to run away more easily. Despite this advantage, I've heard of cases fairly recently, in Iran I believe, where a woman survived a stoning and was allowed to live. It was thought to be Allah's will that she should live.