
Answer to my questions

How many cases are there where someone was told to be executed though later found innocent and was able to avoid death penalty?

There are very few cases of sentenced culprit been executed but later found innocent in the world because people will stop looking for the evidence after the criminal dead. Though there are cases for example, a different criminal accused for different crime admitted that he also did the crime that different person were accused for which the person wrongly accused is no longer alive. Cases like the title, I must say there are a lot of them because the person being accused claim that they didn't do it many times and get researched a lot.

In Japan, there haven’t been any case where the criminal were found innocent after been executed yet after the war. However, there are some cases that people in death row were found out innocent and gets released. 4 cases being released, one case now that is going to be released soon and 3 cases that looks like the criminal is innocent but were executed before being proved.

In different country, for example in China, criminals gets execution very fast. They get execution soon after being sentenced so it is very hard to find and help wrongly accused person.


"【冤罪】袴田さん48年ぶりに釈放。無罪確定なら「四大死刑冤罪事件」に5番目のケースが加わることに。 - NAVER まとめ." NAVER まとめ. 28 Mar. 2014. Web. 14 July 2015. <http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2139593419071631901>.

"日本の死刑確定囚の状況~戦後." アムネスティ死刑廃止学習会 「死刑と誤判」 報告. Amnesty International, 12 June 2004. Web. 14 July 2015. <http://homepage2.nifty.com/shihai/report/040612shimatani/8.html

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